Causes and Treatment for Dry Damaged Darkened skin on Elbows.

Dry Dark Elbows!? Let’s Read Causes and Treatment.

Dry elbows is a common skin condition with several causes. Many cases of dry elbow can be due to changes in climate, lack of hydration, or irritation from fabrics or lotions.

In some cases, dry elbows may be a sign of an underlying condition, such as psoriasis, eczema, diabetes, or thyroid issues.


Dry elbows can make the skin on and around the elbow appear




4.sore or uncomfortable

5.discoloured (Darkened)

6. scaly cracked or bleeding

These symptoms may worsen in certain conditions, such as hot, dry, or cold weather and repeated friction between hard surfaces and tight clothes .


Dry skin on the elbows occurs from a lack of moisture. It can also develop from a decrease in sweat and oil glands. As we age we tend to lose more sweat and oil glands, which results in dryer skin around the body.

Common factors that can cause dry skin on the elbows include:

1. Chlorine: If people swim frequently, the chlorine in pools can dry out the skin. This can also happen to those who bathe or swim for prolonged times and do not moisturize afterward.

2. Hot baths and showers: Hot water can strip the skin of essential oils, and cause dryness, especially if people take long, hot baths or showers.

3. Cool, dry, or hot weather: Climate or weather can play a big part in dry skin. If people regularly expose their elbows to cold, dry, or hot weather, they can easily lose moisture.

4. Dehydration : A lack of hydration in the body can cause dry skin, as the body prioritizes water to other parts of the body. A person who drinks alcohol or excessively sweats may also contribute to dehydration, especially if they do not replace lost fluids.

5. Smoking:Chemicals in cigarettes reduce oxygen supply to the skin and speed up skin aging, which can result in dry, coarse skin.

6.Friction: Friction from tight clothes may irritate and dry the elbows. A person who rests on hard surfaces can also make elbows dryer and rougher, due to the friction that rubs or irritates the skin.

7.Lack of humidity: Dry elbows may worsen in the winter, due to cold weather, while heat dries out the skin. Air conditioning or dry weather in the summer can also do this.

8.Certain medications: People who take some drugs, such as diuretics, retinoids, or types of vitamin A, may dry out their skin.

9.Contact dermatitis: If a substance irritates the skin, or provokes an allergic reaction, it can cause dry, irritated skin.

Treatment :

People may help reduce the symptoms of dry elbows with the following:

1. avoiding fabrics or detergents that can irritate the skin

2. wearing protective clothing in the sun, wind, or cold

Wear Full sleeves while going out to prevent darkening by sun rays.

3.using gentle, fragrance-free wash products

4.moisturizing regularly, especially after a swim, bath or shower

5.using a body wash with added moisturizers

6.using a formulated moisturiser to treat a specific skin condition, such as eczema.

7.using elbow pads if a person rests on hard surfaces for a long time

8.avoiding harsh exfoliant products which could irritate the skin or cause further dryness

9.wearing clothes not made from rough fabrics

If a person thinks medication might be responsible for their dry elbows, they can speak to a doctor. A healthcare professional may alter the treatment to reduce side effects, or suggest ways to avoid temporary dryness.

If an underlying condition is responsible for dry elbows, a person can see their doctor, who can diagnose the issue, and suggest a treatment.

Underlying Health Conditions

Several health conditions can cause dry skin on the elbow. These include:

1. Eczema

Eczema is a skin condition that can cause dry, itchy skin, anywhere on the body, including the elbow. Other symptoms include:

1.inflamed, sensitive skin

2.darker patches of skin

3.tough or scaly areas of skin

2. Psoriasis

It is a skin condition that can affect any part of the body, but it usually appears on the elbows, knees, or scalp.

3. Thyroid problems

Thyroid conditions can disrupt the skin’s normal function. This can lead to dry skin on the elbows and other areas of the body. People may have scaly skin that cracks, or feels tough and waxy.

4. Diabetes

People with diabetes are more likely to have dry skin. High blood sugar levels can cause dry, itchy skin on elbows….

5. Sjogren’s syndrome

Sjogrens Syndrome is an autoimmune condition. It can cause dryness throughout the body, and dry skin is the most common skin symptom.

When to see your Dermatologist!?

People can help treat dry elbows with home remedies, moisturizers, and over-the-counter treatments. They should see a doctor if their elbows do not respond to treatment, or if symptoms get worse, such as; cracks and bleeding

2.sore or swollen skin

3.signs of an infection

4.A severe allergic reaction

If people have any additional symptoms alongside dry elbows, they can see a doctor who can check for underlying health conditions.

👉🏼People may have dry elbows for a variety of reasons, which are not usually serious. Treatments are often simple, though people may need to maintain them to prevent recurring dryness.

Those who swim frequently, or live in hot, dry climates may need to take extra care to protect their elbows from dryness.

‼️Dry skin is a common condition, and the elbows can be prone to dryness. Dehydration, smoking, cold weather, and some laundry detergents can all cause dry elbows.

👍🏼A person who hydrates well, avoids irritating substances, and moisturizes regularly, help treat dry elbows.

✌🏼Home Remedies for Dark Dry Elbows.

Home Remedies.

If Your Eye Cream really worth for the amount of money you spend on those cute tiny jars.!?

Eye Creams

.don’t let Those Dark Circles stay,fade them away!!

Wipe Away Fine Lines and those pesky Wrinkles Around Your Eyes!

Now These are the marketing gimmicks or you can call slogans that we are likely to find plastered on eye creams sold in department stores, local pharmacies, and online skin care brands websites and ah ! Influencers too use these 😜 and we admit or not we actually fall for them …And although many of us want to know how to prevent and treat wrinkles to save us from major irony of ageing. Now I will tell you that enormous amount of time I spent online searching for perfect eye cream that will fulfill all the claims announced on it’s packaging, but more I searched more I found that no matter whatever amount of money you spend on eye cream it is not going to keep fine lines around the eyes at bay forever. It can just delay the process ..

Few telephonic sessions with my dermatologist and some more facts revealed that I want to share with you.

1. The majority of eye creams available in the market are formulated with the same ingredients as most facial moisturizers. There are no special ingredients in eye creams that are specific to the skin around the eyes.

2. Like the overwhelming majority of facial moisturizers on the market, eye creams are water based. water is often the first ingredient on the ingredients list. They contain humectants, like glycerin, that help draw water into the skin surface, and occlusives, like petrolatum or dimethicone, that limit water evaporation from the skin into the environment. Emollients are added to make the skin feel smooth and silky, adding aesthetic value to the product so the consumer likes how the product feels on the skin. Emulsifiers are added so the water and oil components of the emulsion don’t separate. All water-based products require a preservative to prevent overgrowth of mold and bacteria. Manufacturers also add thickeners, as eye creams are expected to be thicker than most facial moisturizers.

3. Yes, the skin around the eyes is thin. But under a microscope, a skin pathologist cannot distinguish skin taken from around the eye with skin taken from high on the cheekbone. One might argue that the thinnest eyelid skin is more susceptible to the damage of the sun’s ultraviolet rays, but ironically, most eye creams don’t contain sunscreen.So why spending extra bucks on those tiny jars of luxurious looking eye creams and eye serums.

4. A “marketing tool” ingredient is often added to enhance sales, and sometimes fragrance is also added to make it appealing to senses of the consumer. Often “marketing tool” ingredients like caffeine, peptides, or collagen are added to an eye cream formulation to enhance sales. But there is no scientific evidence that these ingredients have any real benefit or that they can reverse the aging process. The ability of an eye cream to improve the appearance of skin around the eye is more dependent on the product’s ability to increase the water content of the skin, which is basically its effectiveness as a moisturizer. And same ingredients are in facial moisturisers too so if I say you can take that facial moisturiser to reach to your eye contour as well to keep it hydrated and moisturised and by simply doing this once in your daily routine can delay appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Now one more benefit is keeping dark circles at bay but how!? Aha ! You caught me…. apply it with tapping motion of ring finger and that makes blood circulation in eye contour area better hence gradually improving appearance of dark circles …As a moisturizer, an eye cream may increase the water content of skin and temporarily improve the appearance of the skin. But so will many well-formulated facial moisturizers for a fraction of the cost. Eye creams are usually packaged in very small jars and can cost much more than a facial moisturiser. Instead you can get almond oil handy for delicate eye contour or even avocado oil and even tiniest amount of Shea butter will do the job if you have like very dry skin around the eyes…

👌🏻Some home remedies for under eye dark circles include placing cool green tea bags for puffy tired eyes and potato juice for dark circles and cool cucumber slices for immediately improving appearance of dull under eye area and brighten it up.Massaging A cube of ice around eye contour can do wonders ….

Also there’s this home remedy for dark circles around eyes that I swear by:👇🏼

Bring those coffee granules to some help with dark circles around eyes…

Now enough of discouragement towards eye creams.. lols ! I really don’t want to disappoint those who swear by the eye creams in their stash.

Let’s look at sunny side of eye creams 😍

Let me share couple of highs about eye creams you waiting to hear desperately.

1. Cool luxurious packaging seems inviting that’s added benefit as it gives motivation to spend few seconds to pamper eye area that otherwise we often neglect…

2. Extra money spent on eye cream again makes it purposeful for us to use it and empty it that again keeps us consistent with pampering eye contour and interestingly as signs of ageing appear faster around eyes we can improve overall appearance of face by checking that with regularly applying eye creams…

So this is purely upto your discretion how you want to treat precious area of your face i.e eye contour… any choice you make is best if it brings good results in exchange of all the efforts done… just go for it.

Wish you beautiful eyes forever 😍

Puffy face in the morning? Little Help for you to understand it and treat it.

What is face swelling or puffiness?

Face swelling is the enlargement or distention of the face due to fluid buildup or inflammation in the facial tissues. Swelling can occur anywhere on the face, but it is most noticeable on the lips, cheeks and eyelids. Swelling can also extend to the neck region. Facial swelling may also be referred to as facial edema.

It may be annoying to find facial puffiness in the morning, especially if it lasts all day.

Puffiness in the face generally results from fluid retention which can stem from a number of factors. Treatments and home care techniques can ease and prevent this issue by addressing the underlying cause.

Several factors can cause a puffy face in the morning, including underlying health issues and a person’s diet.

Diet, sleep, and makeup Can be main reasons behind puffy face.

Let’s learn how a person’s day-to-day routine can lead to facial puffiness in the morning.


For many people, waking up with a puffy face stems from normal overnight fluid retention — but this may be more noticeable if a person gets too little or too much sleep.

Lying down causes fluid to rest and collect in the face, and a person’s sleeping position may also exacerbate this. Sleeping facedown, for example, may have this effect.

As the person starts their morning and spends time upright, these fluids may go away.


Falling asleep with makeup on can cause a skin reaction called contact dermatitis( When a person’s skin comes into contact with an irritating substance, they may develop an itchy or burning rash. This reaction is known as contact dermatitis.) which can lead to redness, irritation, or puffiness in the face and eyes.

Most cases are no cause for worry and concern, but if anyone has severe symptoms, such as swollen eyes or trouble opening their eyes, needs urgent medical attention.


Eating certain foods at night or in the evening sometimes leads to extra puffiness in the morning.

In general, eating foods high in sodium can cause the body to retain more water. This increase in sodium usually makes people thirsty, so they drink more, but the body does not release this extra water in urine. Instead, the water collects in different areas, including the face.

Some common high-sodium foods to avoid include: food, such as burgers, fries, and pizza.

2.processed meats, such as bacon and pepperoni

3.sushi, especially with soy sauce

4.chips, nachos, and pretzels.

4. Alcohol

Some people wake up with puffy faces after a night of drinking.

Alcohol causes a person to urinate more, which can cause mild dehydration.In response, the body may retain water where it can, such as in the face.

There can be other reasons too like :

Physical causes and health conditions

Menstruation and certain health issues may cause the face to retain fluid.

5. A period

Menstruation commonly causes fluid retention, and before a period, a person may notice puffiness in the face upon waking.

A person may recognize menstruation as the cause of the puffiness if symptoms of PMS pre menstrual syndrome are also present.

Premenstrual syndrome, or PMS, refers to the physical and psychological symptoms that females experience in the week or two leading up to their menstrual period.

Headache bloating, cramps and mood swings are among the most common PMS symptoms. For some, these symptoms are a minor inconvenience. For others, the symptoms can be so severe that they miss work or school.

6. Allergies

Sometimes, facial puffiness in the morning results from allergies to dust, dander, or pollen inhaled during the night. The person may not notice any symptoms until they wake up.

Other symptoms of the allergic reaction, such as congestion, a runny nose, sneezing, and itchy or watery eyes, may indicate that allergies are causing the puffiness.

7. Sinus infection

A puffy face in the morning may be a sign of a sinus infection It can also cause:

• pain and tenderness in the face

• Postnasal drip

• frontal headaches

• pain in the teeth

• A fever

• a stuffy nose


Hypothyroidism which involves the thyroid gland not producing enough hormone, affects about 4.6% of the U.S. population older than 12.

Beyond facial puffiness, people with hypothyroidism may also experience:

• weight gain

• Fatigues

• poor cold tolerance

• dry skin

• thinning hair

Anyone who suspects they have hypothyroidism should talk to a doctor, who can order a blood test.

8. Cushing’s syndrome

In some cases, Cushing’s Syndrome can cause a puffy face first thing in the morning. It involves the body having cortisol levels that are too high, and it often occurs as a side effect of medications.

Cushing’s syndrome can cause facial puffiness at all times, but this may be more noticeable in the morning.


Depending on the cause, various home care techniques and medical treatments can reduce or prevent facial puffiness in the morning.

Home care

A person might try the following strategies in the morning:

Cold water

Splashing the face with cold water or using a towel to make a cold compress may quickly reduce puffiness.

Coffee or tea

Applying coffee grounds or a soaked, cooled tea bag to the areas of puffiness may help stimulate the skin and constrict the blood vessels, reducing the puffiness.

Important:Be sure to test the temperature before applying the grounds or tea bags to the face.

Sheet Masks

You can use refrigerated sheet masks to find relief from facial puffiness. Aloe and bamboo variants of sheet masks are specially beneficial for curing puffiness.

Jade rollers

A jade roller is a tool that gently massages the face to promote circulation and help lymphatic fluid drain.

Some people who regularly use jade rollers report that it also reduces puffiness.


Getting the heart pumping can promote circulation in the body, including the face.

A quick morning jog or bike ride helps some people feel less bloated and more awake, and it may reduce puffiness.

Creams, masks, and other products

A number of facial products are designed to reduce puffiness.

It is worth keeping in mind, however, that the skin on the face can be extra sensitive. Be sure to avoid any known allergens and test any product on a small area of the face before using it more widely.

Medical treatments

If an underlying condition is causing facial puffiness, medical treatment may be necessary, but may not always.

Consult your physician for taking clinical care.

When to see a doctor

Facial puffiness in the mornings is usually no cause for concern, and it tends to fade quickly as the day proceeds.

If troublesome puffiness persists after a person makes dietary and lifestyle changes, it might be a good idea to consult a doctor, who may discover an underlying allergy or another health issue.

Prevention is always better.

It may not always be possible to prevent facial puffiness in the morning, but the following strategies may help:

• avoiding foods high in sodium, especially late in the evening or at night

• avoiding refined carbohydrates later in the day.

• not eating just before bed

• avoiding oversleeping

• aiming to sleep on the back

• staying hydrated throughout the day and into the night

• avoiding alcoholic beverages.

You can follow above shared information to find relief from face puffiness.Make some changes to lifestyle and hope that works best for you. Wish you lots of health and happiness.

Azelaic acid and Skincare .

Salicylic acid Vitamin C, Retinol and AHAs are a few popular ingredients that have reigned supreme in skin care products. However,azelaic acid is quite beneficial for your skin and increasingly popular but an often “overlooked” and “under-the-radar” skin care ingredient.

So what exactly is this emerging skin care ingredient?

Azelaic acid is a compound found in wheat, rye and barley that can help treat acne and rosacea because it soothes inflammation. Azelaic acid treats sunspots and melasma because it blocks the production of “abnormal pigmentation”..

Azelaic acid is “typically the lab-engineered form that is used in skin care products, owing to its being more stable and effective. combining azelaic acid with other ingredients is beneficial because that makes it much more effective than when used alone.

Azelaic acid “takes several weeks to do its job, so don’t give up after a few applications.If you are using azelaic acid, you definitely should be religious about applying sunscreen.

How often can you use azelaic acid? Does azelaic acid lighten skin?

Adding the 10% Azelaic Acid Booster to your routine is easy: it can be applied once or twice daily after cleansing, toning, and exfoliating. Apply on its own or mix with your favorite serum or moisturizer. It’s fine to apply it to the entire face, or you can target blemished areas as needed.

What does azelaic acid do to your skin?

Azelaic acid is also a tyrosinase inhibitor, means it can prevent hyperpigmentation because it interferes with melanin production. “It’s anti-inflammatory for the acne and it’s anti-pigment because it blocks tyrosinase. If you have a pimple and you’re prone to getting dark spots after your pimple, azelaic acid would be a perfect opportunity for you. Azelic acid is strongly recommended for hair bumps pimples and overall evening of skin tone if you have dark patches on your skin. Also azelaic acid is an antibacterial antioxidant that decongests clogged pores.

Not recommended layering azelaic acid with Beta Hydroxy Acids (BHAs) like salicylic acid as both BHAs and AHAs will increase the chances of dryness and irritation.

Unlike other acids, azelaic acid does not make you sensitive to the sun.” However, I caution against becoming lackadaisical about wearing sunscreen If you are using azelaic acid, you definitely should be religious about applying sunscreen. Even low levels of UV light can promote pigmentation and undo what you have accomplished with your azelaic acid.

Who should use azelaic acid — and who should not?

azelaic acid is “great” for those with combination or oily skin and who doesn’t have sensitive skin.

azelaic acid is in class B, meaning it’s safe to use during pregnancy or while breastfeeding, but it’s still not in class A, aka OTC.women who are pregnant or breastfeeding check with their OBGYN before incorporating azelaic acid into their skin care routine. …

Who should stay away from azelaic acid?

sensitive-skin patients have also experienced stinging, burning and hyperpigmentation, which is not typical, but it can happen.” hyperpigmentation typically occurs when applying azelaic acid to thinner skin areas near the lips or eyes. If you are super sensitive and everything stings, burns and irritates your skin,do a patch test before committing to azelaic acid. Start on the back of your arm and, if there’s no reaction, apply it to your neck and your face last.

How to use azelaic acid?

Azelaic acid may be used alone or paired with other soothing and brightening ingredients like niacinamide, hydroxy acids or antioxidants. I like to pair azelaic acid with Hyaluronic Acid to provide moisture and in winters i apply any hydrating moisturiser on top of it

It is recommended applying azelaic acid at night, as the final step in your skin care routine to prevent it from smearing.It is advised using it as a spot treatment for inflamed or dark areas of the skin, blending the acid out, so it doesn’t leave a sharp demarcation. Wait at least 15 minutes before lying down in bed and sleeping on your back for absorption purposes.because If you smear the azelaic acid and you’re very sensitive to it, that means is that you could wind up with a dark spot and a light circle around it. It will look like your dark spot is doing a hula hoop and that’s crazy.

My recommendation is E’clat Fadeout as it contains azelic acid along with Tranexamic Acid & niacinamide and also making it potent formulation to cure pigmentation and acne as well.

E’clat Superior Fadeout serum

Combining niacinamide, or Vitamine B3, with tranexamic acid produces a synergistic effect making this highly effective treatment for hyperpigmentation including melasma and this power duo is also an excellent choice for the treatment of rosacea as well.Also when combined with azelaic acid.they make a highly effect treatment for acne.

Sun,Skin and Sunscreen….

You’re a smart cookie, and an in-the-know well informed beings.surely I don’t need to tell you why you should wear sunscreen Okay, still Here’s quick reminder for you: wrinkles, brown spots, and yes, skin cancer ….

But it Turns out to be there’s more to the white goop than most people think, ingredients, SPF ratings and application instructions matter when picking out your Sun protection …

So here I am sharing every possible detail about sun block that you want to know.

What is sunscreen?

Sunscreen is basically a barrier that protects the skin from absorbing ultraviolet (UV) rays. There are two kinds of UV rays that can affect the skin. UVA rays tend to age the skin. UVB rays typically cause sunburn .

If sunscreen protects against both types of UV rays i.e. UVA & UVB It is called Broad Spectrum. In addition to broad spectrum information, the label will also have a number called sun protection factor (SPF). The SPF is a rating of how well the sunscreen blocks the sun. For example, a sunscreen with a 30 SPF rating blocks 97 percent of the sun’s UVB rays,The higher the number, the better it works at blocking UVB rays.

It is important to note, however, that no sunscreen blocks 100 percent of UV rays. Also, no matter how high the number, all sunscreens protect for the same amount of time. An 80 SPF sunscreen, for example, doesn’t let someone stay outside longer than a 15 SPF sunscreen. The 80 SPF just blocks more rays while the person is outside.

What are some common ingredients in sunscreen and how do they work?

Most sunscreens contain multiple active ingredients to protect against both kinds of harmful ultraviolet rays—UVA and UVB.

Those ingredients fall into two main categories: physical blockers and chemical absorbers. The common physical blockers are titanium dioxide and zinc oxide. They create a physical barrier between the skin and UV rays. Examples of chemical absorbers include oxybenzone, avobenzone, homosalate, and octinoxate. These absorbers do just that—absorb UV rays so that our skin doesn’t absorb them.

Aside from the active ingredients, sunscreens contain many additional inactive ingredients. These may vary based on the brand and type of sunscreen, as in baby vs. sport, and may include antioxidants, vitamins, such as vitamin E, preservatives, fragrances and emollients.

Now Let’s talk Every Little Thing You Need to Know About How to Apply Sunscreen Correctly.

Okay, now how much sunscreen should I use?

Sadly Almost no one uses as much as they should. Exact amount for whole body is equivalent of a shot glass full, or about two tablespoons and For the face alone, a nickel-sized dollop should be applied. And if you’re using a spray , apply until an even sheen appears on the skin.” Remember that sunscreen needs to be reapplied every two hours, or more often after swimming, heavy perspiration, or toweling off.

When I need to apply sunscreen before I go outside?

Chemical sunscreen, which is absorbed into the skin, needs to be applied 30 minutes before going outdoors to let the ingredients fully bind to the skin,. Physical sunscreens take effect immediately and can be applied right before sun exposure. “And pat it in until you can’t see the product!”. And always Remember the two hour rule: “If you apply sunscreen an hour before heading out, you need to reapply it an hour after you get outside.”

What are the spots on the body that people often miss?

“Skin cancers can show up on any part of the body, even those not exposed to UV rays,.people tend to forget to apply sunscreen on the tips and back of the ears, exposed scalp, back of the neck, around the eyes, and the tops of the hands and feet.The best way to make sure you get full coverage is by Applying sunscreen before you get dressed, and then reapply to all exposed skin.

Hair does help shield the scalp from the sun’s rays to some extent,. However, you need more protection than that especially if your hair is thin. About 10% of melanomas occur on the scalp, so it’s important to take extra precautions by wearing hats and covering head with thick scarf.For lips Choose a lip balm or a sunscreen stick designed specifically for the lips with an SPF of 15 or higher.

What is the proper best way to apply Sunscreen?

The proper way to apply your sunscreen is to squeeze dots of product all over your face and pat them into the skin. Do not rub. Remember Pat, pat, pat and it will sink into skin and Sun protection guaranteed.

Are moisturizers or makeup with SPF safe?

Many moisturiser have ingredients that make the product spf15 or greater , which is sufficient when you’re doing everyday activities with a few minutes here and there in the sun,.However, if you work outside or spend a lot of time outdoors, you need stronger SPF 30 or higher water-resistant sunscreen that holds together on your skin.Using a foundation or primer with sunscreen ingredients is a great way to amp up your sun protection,but you shouldn’t rely on these products alone for adequate sun protection. Most cosmetic formulas lack enough protection against UA rays. For optimal coverage, apply sunscreen under your makeup. Also remember Using two products that are each SPF 15 does not equal an SPF 30 product!

Whether One should use moisturiser along with SPF and What goes on first: Sunscreen or moisturizer?

Facial sunscreen has emollients and other oils that can be effective to deliver moisturization and hydration.However, in the winter, It’s recommended using both sunscreen and a facial moisturizer, especially if you have very dry skin. And always put your thinnest products on first, and layer on the rest in order of thickness for optimal absorption. If you opt for a two-step sunscreen-and-moisturizer combo instead of a moisturizer made with SPF, apply your normal moisturizer first, then layer sunscreen (with an SPF of 30 or higher) over it.

Will sunscreen dry out one’s skin?

Yesss, they can if They also contain alcohol which tends to dry out skin. Go for formulas without alcohol to avoid dryness or irritation.Also Check out the ingredients label for catching the culprits red handed, drying ethanol sometime is written as SD alcohol and alcohol specially denatured alcohol or alcohol denat. But here’s a twist in the tale : if you see cetyl, stearyl or cetearyl alcohol, don’t panic. These are actually fatty alcohols that can act like emollients, softening the skin.

Do One need to use sunscreen indoors?

Yes, everyone irrespective of their colour of the skin gender profession religion caste creed languages they speak live in india or Uganda should wear it daily,. Because “Windows at home, on trains, planes, and cars allow UVA rays to pass through.”So whether you out on a field job for the day or enjoying at the beach or working on your laptop at your office desk or cooking in your kitchen or simply peeing in restroom you have to have sunblock on your skin shielding you from Sun rays not just any rays, but UVA & UVB rays.

Also this is important reminder: While sunscreen is a crucial step for sun protection, it’s not enough on its own. So don’t miss to Take these extra precautions: Seek the shade whenever possible, and wear sun-safe clothing, a wide-brimmed hat, and UV-blocking sunglasses. Head to a shady area during peak ray intensity, 10 AM to 4 PM. And walk on the shady side of the street when you’re out and about.

Wear Hats snd sunglasses for extra Sun protection.

Check out Some FAQs about sun protection answered here:

FAQs answered.

Q. Is there evidence that sunscreen actually causes skin cancer?

A. No. These conclusions come incorrectly from studies where individuals who used sunscreen had a higher risk of skin cancer, including melanoma. This false association was made because the individuals who used sunscreen were the same ones who were traveling to sunnier climates and sunbathing. In other words, it was the high amounts of sun exposure, not the sunscreen, that elevated their risk of skin cancer.

Q. Are the nanoparticles that are used in sunscreens with titanium dioxide and zinc oxide harmful?

A. Manufacturers use nanoparticles in the physical sun blockers I mentioned above. Nanoparticles are made using a process called micronizing that breaks up larger particles. This makes the sunscreens easier to apply and allows them to disappear into the skin, in contrast to the greasy, white sunblocks of the past. I think that these physical blockers are much easier to use now that they are frequently micronized. Nanoparticles have not been shown to penetrate beyond the level of the skin and migrate into the bloodstream, which means that they are unlikely to create health risks.

Q. Does wearing sunscreen put you at risk for a vitamin D deficiency? Does this mean that you should skip it?

A. It’s true that sunscreen blocks ultraviolet B rays, which are shortwave rays from the sun that are important for generating vitamin D in the skin. However, because most people apply far less than the recommended amount (about one shot glass–sized amount to the body and a teaspoonful to the face) of sunscreen, users typically aren’t deficient in vitamin D. If you’re concerned that sunscreen will put you at risk for vitamin D deficiency, there’s an easy solution. Your doctor can recommend a vitamin D supplement, such as 800 IU of vitamin D3 daily.

Some experts recommend spending 10 to 15 minutes in the sun each day before applying sunscreen, but there’s debate about whether this is actually necessary when vitamin D can be obtained from certain foods and as an oral supplement. Concern about vitamin D deficiency should not be a reason to avoid sunscreen.

So let’s make sunscreen always 365 days,all seasons and weathers, the last step of our morning skincare routine and Soak up the sun guilt-free and yaassss …Slather it on people….

Wish us all great Sunny Days ahead with healthy protected skin and Happy Us. Xoxo.

What does your PoreCast Say About Your Skin.

Be it the skincare ads, or dedicated pore care lines by various skincare brands or dermatologists or skincare bloggers or the labels on skincare products they all mention one thing very common,”Pores”.. and yes everyone wants pores so tiny they can’t be seen, as well as pores that aren’t blocked or clogged. Often we do wonder how we can reduce the size of pores and whether we can simply eliminate them.But truth is pores keep our skin and body healthy—and if blocked, can contribute to acne.

What’s Your PoreCast….

So what actually the Pores Are ?

Pores are actually glorified hair follicles.

Pores are simply the opening of hair follicles, which extend down further through several layers of skin. Each follicle/pore contains or has the ability to grow one shaft of hair, whether that hair is visible or not. The average adult has five million pores on their body with approximately 20,000 on their face alone.

We actually have two different types of pores: oil pores and sweat pores.

  • Oil pores: This type of pore is connected to oil gland and these are present over the entire surface of entire skin, except for the skin on the palms of hands and the soles of feet. It’s the oil pores that capture most of our attention because they can be large enough to be seen. When people talk about having large pores or blocked pores, they are typically referring to the oil pores.
  • Sweat pores: We also have sweat pores all over the entire skin. Sweat pores are really tiny. Typically can’t see these pores with the naked eye. When overactive, these pores can cause hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating).

How healthy pores work?

Pores have a very important job. The hair follicle allows the oil generated by the sebacious glands (oil glands) to reach the surface and lubricate the skin. The skin’s natural oil, called sebum helps keep the skin supple, moisturized, and healthy. You don’t want to stop production of sebum or shrink away pores, but rather to keep them functioning normally to have healthy skin.

2.Sweat pores work in much the same way. These pores allow for sweat to travel from the sudoriferous glands (sweat glands) to the surface of the skin. Sweat helps you maintain your body temperature by evaporative cooling i.e. sweat evaporates from surface of skin and along with some body heat is used in process of evaporation thereby bringing down body temperature a little.Sweat glands come in two varieties. The eccrine glands produce most of your sweat. The apocrine glands in your armpits and groin produce a thicker and oilier type of sweat that is prone to causing body odor.

Some common skin concerns associated with pores are:

A) Enlarged pores:1.) Your Genetic design is mainly responsible for your enlarged pores. You can either blame your ancestors or thank for the state of your pores, because pore size is largely determined by your family tree.

Your Genes determine the size of your pores.

Also People who have inherited naturally oily skin are likely to have larger pores because they are more actively releasing oil through wider openings.

But good news is,This isn’t all bad—in fact large pores (and the oil that comes with them) can counteract the physical toll of aging and wrinkling. It’s why people of Asian descent, for example, tend to have large pores and show less extreme signs of aging.

2.) Time Spent in Sun is major factor that determines the size of your pores. Sun damage leads to inflammation, thickening of skin cells. Scorched cells pool around a pore’s edges, making them appear even larger.

3.) Ageing skin Speaking of age,years alive correlate with pore size too. As we age, our collagen breaks down, causing skin to lose its elasticity As the skin relaxes, pores dilate; we lose the firmness of youth and our pores get more visible. The sagging of the skin stretches pores open into “tear” shapes.

4.) Bad Habits lead to Bad pores . Consuming alcohol uncontrollably and Smoking are big contributing factors to enlarged pores. Since consuming excessive alcohol and inhaling nicotine on the regular dries out your skin, shrinking the blood vessels that deliver oxygen and nourishment. This deprives your skin of important nutrients and speeds the aging process.

5.) A bad diet, lack of proper hydration (not drinking enough water), affinity for tanning beds, and face-washing neglect also qualify as not-so-great, pore-expanding habits you might want to consider kicking, pronto.

B.) Clogged,Congested Pores. This one concern is very common that prevails from teenage to adulthood. As you know now that pores are the channel through which oil and sweat from their respective glands reaches the surface of skin, so you can expect they are almost all the time filled with oil and sweat. Also we know skin regenerates and new skin cells are continuously produced and dead cells keep accumulating on the surface of skin. Also we know that we and our skin both are exposed to the dust,bacteria and pollutants present in the environment we live. pores are the connection between inside of body and outer world and if we don’t do cleansing and exfoliation in routine, cocktail of the residues of oil & sweat present in pores mixed with dead skin cells and bacteria & dust & pollution together keep on accumulating in pores. This further hinders the natural phenomenon of smooth flow of oil and sweat to the surface. Skin cannot breathe and it only wrecks havoc on the skin . Ah ! That you experience as acne , breakouts , white heads, black heads, uneven texture and what not.

Using the wrong beauty products. Sad as it is to say, some of your very favorite beauty products may be to blame for your clogged pores. How to deal: Look for non comedogenic formulas —these products are formulated with ingredients that don’t clog pores. In addition to using products that are non-comedogenic, for people specially with oily skin It is recommended sticking with face products (makeup and skin care) that specify they are oil free.

Even though they’re small, your pores are an important part of your skin. You don’t want to close your pores as that would prevent their proper functioning that contributes to overall health of our skin and body. Minimising their appearance is the best practice.


1. Keep yourself hydrated. Drink plenty of water every day.

2. Use of good gentle cleanser to clean skin atleast twice a day. In between throughout the day keep splashing clean water on face to keep skin clean and clear of dust and pollutants that might be sitting on the skin surface, before they enter into pores.

3. Exfoliation is the key. Dead skin cells if keep accumulating on skin surface they clog pores. Hence regular exfoliation using mild scrub or a chemical peel is necessary to avoid pore congestion.

Exfoliation is the key.

4. Quit smoking and limit the intake of alcohol.

5. Apply a good high value non comedogenic SPF daily to prevent the damage done by sun exposure. Also use umbrella and cover skin while stepping out into Sun during the day.

Use good SPF everyday.

6. Add fibre rich foods in your diet. Increase intake of vitamin and mineral rich diet.

7. Avoid eating foods containing white sugar,fried & processed foods like cheese, bread etc as these are also said to be doing harm to pore health.

8. Add double cleansing routine to your PM skincare routine . Micelles water or cleansing oil/balm are super effective deeply cleansing pores and hence prevent congestion of pores.

9. Avoid covering skin unnecessary by makeup, whenever you can. Let the skin breathe free often.

Say No to makeup often.

10. Add retinol and niacinamide serums in your consistent skincare routine.These both are known to cater pore related skin concerns.Products containing AHAs , BHAs also does mildly exfoliate skin and prevent skin clogging.

11. Sleep on a silk pillow case. If you’re thinking your pillowcase has nothing to do with your pores—think again. Silk pillowcases are better for your skin than the cotton alternative—not to mention, they feel seriously luxurious!

12. Wear a silk scarf to sleep.No matter what material your pillowcase is, hair products can build-up on it over time, leading to breakouts and clogged pores. To prevent this, before bed, wrap your hair in a silk scarf that will help keep your hair products from getting on your skin.

Some Home remedies for congested enlarged Pores.

1. Just pick up a banana peel and rub it against your skin in a circular motion. Continue to rub for fifteen minutes and then wash your face with cold water. Trying this remedy twice a week will shrink your large pores to a great extent.

Banana peel can cure enlarged pores. Rub it on skin.

2. The best breakfast and the best exfoliator for the skin, oats can be used to absorb the dirt and oil that blocks the pores and increases their size. To reduce the enlarged pore, mix two tablespoon oats with one tablespoon of milk. Now, apply the mixture to your skin and let it dry. Once it starts to dry, start scrubbing your face for a few minutes. Wash the leftover pack with cold water thereafter.

3. Mixture of Fuller’s Earth or Multani Mitti and turmeric powder not only reduces pimples but is also helpful in reducing pores as it’s very good at absorbing oil and dirt from open pores. Also, it helps in exfoliating dead skin cells. Using it once a week can tighten your pores. All you need is two teaspoon of Fuller’s Earth a teaspoon of turmeric powder and some water to make a thick paste. Apply this paste to your face and leave it to dry. Once it dries up, wash your face with cold water.

4. Freshly made Mixture of tomato juice and cucumber juice can be applied on to skin and is very effective solution to cure enlarged pores.

Make juice of tomato and cucumber and apply it on skin.

Now Let’s check some common myths about pores that you need to stop believing

1.MYTH: Your pores open and close. FACT : Pores do not open and close like a mouth, but they can dilate (or stretch)

2. MYTH: Having clogged pores means your face is dirty. FACT : some people believe pores are clogged by blackheads that are formed just by materials from our environment, like pollutants and dirt, get inside them. In reality,those dark specks you see in your pores aren’t actually only dirt but is actually the buildup of dead skin cells and sebum (oil) underneath the skin. Different factors such as hormones, genetics, and skin type can cause this to occur.

3. MYTH: People with dry skin don’t have problems with blackheads or large pores. FACT : Generally, it seems like oily skin types & large pores go hand-in-hand. But this doesn’t mean people with dry skin can’t have noticeable pores, too.Pore size is determined by a variety of factors,like genetics or hormones. Plus,sun damage and aging can also cause anyone’s pores to appear larger over time.

4. MYTH: Sunlight can help clear your pores. FACT: It’s possible this myth comes from thinking that heat from sun exposure would dry excess oil in your pores, causing them to shrink. But, in reality, prolonged sun exposure can actually cause your pore size to increase.

Now you know almost every detail about these Scandalous appearing tiny entities termed as pores present on your skin and what they say about the health of your skin. Taking good care of them will ultimately help you with maintaining good, healthy beautiful skin.

A great PoreCast is on the cards….Wish you happy & consistent skincare. Stay focused…..Good skin days are coming….:)

Niacinamide,The power vitamin For Your Skin. Read Here Everything You need to Know About it.

With Different age come different skincare concerns.With Younger skin,acne is often biggest concern but as we get older, loss of elasticity, fine lines and dryness, and wrinkles start to spring up. This makes using the right skincare even more important. And darling that moisturiser you’ve been using since you turned 18 won’t help your skin to save it from lines, wrinkles and age spots anymore. You’ve matured and your skin has too.That’s why it needs the goodness of power-packed vitamins and potent ingredients that can target the signs of ageing.

Come let’s Meet Niacinamide skin vitamin that can tackle multiple concerns and give you great skin days.

Niacinamide is Also known as Nicotinamide, and is a water-soluble vitamin that works with the natural substances in skin to help skin with following benefits:

1. Increases skin’s Immunity. Niacinamide helps build keratin a type of protein that keeps skin firm and healthy.

2. Helps skin build healthy Lipid barrier. Niacinamide can help your skin grow a ceramide lipid barrier which can, help retain moisture barrier.This is beneficial for all skin types, especially if you have eczema or mature skin.

3. Minimizes redness and blotchiness. Niacinamide reduces inflammation which may help ease redness from eczema and acne and other inflammatory skin conditions.

4. Minimizes pore appearance. Keeps skin smooth and moisturised. Also helps reduce pore size gradually if applied consistently.

5. Regulates oil production of the skin . The benefits of moisture retention aren’t just for those with dry skin types. Niacinimide can also help regulate the amount of oil production by sebaceous glands thus prevent your glands from going into overdrive.

6. Protects against sun damage. Niacinamide can concurrently rebuild healthy skin cells while also protecting them from damage caused by ultraviolet rays.

7. Niacinamide has a powerful hyperpigmentation-blitzing effect.

Niacinamide has proved to be an excellent treatment for pigmentation, age spots and melasma.

8. Minimizes fine lines and wrinkles. Research has also found that the same concentration was helpful in reducing some signs of sun damage that come with aging. This includes fine lines and wrinkles.

9. Protects against oxidative stress. Niacinamide helps build cells in the skin while also protecting them from environmental stresses, such as sunlight pollution, and toxins.

10. It Treats acne and cure them. Niacinamide may be helpful for severe acne especially inflammatory forms like papules and pustules Over time, you may see fewer lesions and improved skin texture.

Why skin products preferable over food and supplements?

Eating a balanced diet is the best way to get micronutrients like vitamin B-3. You should only take supplements under medical supervision to treat deficiency.

When it comes to general skin health, you may obtain some of the benefits of niacinamide from the foods that you eat.

Vitamin B-3 is found in:

eggs,cereals,green veggies,beans,fish,milk.

Balanced Diet is best for general skin health

However, there’s no way to guarantee that the nutrients in your diet are impacting your overall skin health. The only way to ensure that niacinamide is targeting your skin care concerns is to use it topically. Since niacinamide penetrates into the skin readily we don’t have to rely on our diets or a dietary supplement. We can also benefit from using it topically!

What to look for when selecting a product with Niacinamide as an ingredient?

Niacinamide concentration can vary across products, though most formulations are 5 percent or less.Products with 2-5% Niacinamide are good for the skin—when used in high concentrations, it can cause skin irritation and redness.

Some researches suggest that 5 percent formulas are effective in treating hyperpigmentation and damage related to sun exposure.

If you have sensitive skin, you may want to start with a lower concentration. Formulas with 2 percent niacinamide may help ease symptoms of eczema and similar conditions.

It’s actually one of the safest active ingredients, and would be a great alternative to retinoids or acids if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Look for “niacin” and “nicotinamide” on product labels as If not mentioned as Niacinamide.

Can niacinamide be combined with other skin care ingredients for maximum effect?

Niacinamide may be used alongside other potent active ingredients for optimal results.For eg. Niacinamide also has a higher pH level so you can use it in combination with other pH actives like AHA and BHA products.

For example,supplemental niacinamide may work well alongside copper, folic acid, and zinc to treat acne.

You may be able to get more out of your niacinamide serum by using it alongside Hyaluronic Acid. Hyaluronic acid is said to increase product absorption.

If your skincare routine also includes Vitamin C it is advisable to use Niacinamide separately as opposed to in combination as both ingredients cause skin flushing. I use Niacinamide and VitC on alternate days to prevent any irritation.

In case you are using it for dry skin, apply your moisturiser first and then layer it with your Niacinamide product.

When it is used in a mattifying product, you apply it first and then layer it on with sunscreen to get maximum benefits.

Are there any side effects?

Topical niacinamide is generally considered safe to use. But still People who have preexisting allergies may experience an allergic reaction. But You can avoid allergic reactions and product sensitivities by doing a patch test. Here’s how to do a patch Test:👇🏼

1. Apply a pea sized amount of product on your forearm.

2. Wait 24 hours.

3. If you experience redness, itching, or swelling, wash the area and discontinue use.

4.If you don’t experience any side effects, it should be safe to apply elsewhere.

To sum up I would say that When used topically every day, niacinamide have a positive impact on your overall skin health. The ingredient can help reduce inflammation and hyperpigmentation, smooth your overall skin texture, and brighten your skin.All in all, I can’t recommend this ingredient enough, no matter what skin issue you’re trying to target. It truly does it all!

It can take several weeks to see noticeable improvement, hence it’s important to be patient and to stick with your routine.As I always say consistency is the key. Make skincare your Lifestyle and a routine you follow religiously.

Wishing you Good skin Days ahead… Happy Skincare & Happy New Year 2021!🥰

A Complete Guide To Curate Skincare Routine Specially Tailored For Yourself,To Maintain It and Stay Consistent With It.

Skincare is a Religion.

First thing first” we all know skin is most important and largest organ of our body that protects everything that’s inside our body i.e various Organs and Organ Systems.

That is why Skincare has to be an important ritual that we all need to follow throughout our Life whether you are a Man or a Woman.

It is a fact that When we are not regular and consistent with skincare regimen,it’s easy to forget the last time we may have exfoliated, or applied a mask… or even used toner! which brings me to an easy skincare application Anagram…Answered . There are certain skincare steps you should do daily, weekly or even bi-weekly. but sometimes that gets confusing, especially if you’re not always keeping track.

Read Here all the ideas, tips & tricks you need to know to design, maintain and stay consistent with skincare regimen and follow it religiously without failure.

Before We move towards learning the ideas to develop consistency with skincare regimen, let’s first understand how to construct a personalised skincare routine for yourself.

There are Three Thumb-rules I have enlisted that you need to keep in mind before you start adding skincare products to your skincare regimen that you want to follow consistently to achieve good skin goals.

1. Identify your Skin Type.

Now this is very important to understand your skin type because only then you can choose skincare Products wisely. Else wrong skincare products instead doing any good will harm your skin more.

There are five types of healthy skin: normal, dry, oily, combination (both oily and dry skin) and sensitive. Check this guide to help yourself to identify your skin type 👇🏼

2. Identify Different moods and behaviours of your skin during different seasons and weather.

This is again very important to closely observe how your skin behaves and what are different concerns that skin can have in different weather and seasons, Your skin can be oily in summer and uber dry in winters whereas it may have acne in monsoon and itchy dry red patches during hot scorching summer. So you need to closely monitor your skin and then design your personalised skincare routine.

3. Identify your skin Concerns.

I believe Identifying the problem is halfway to resolving it.

For eg. you may have acne issues or hyperpigmentation or skin sensitivity and other concerns . Identifying the skin concerns helps you understand what you need to correct and hence you can wisely choose ingredients that you need to look for in your skincare products and this practice gives best results for your skin.

Identify your skin concerns before you start adding skincare products to your routine.

Now moving ahead Let’s talk about Steps that must be part of every Skincare Routine:


Cleansing skin daily is utmost important step and choosing cleanser for your skin type and according to weather & Season is important too, you may want to use a different type of cleanser in the morning vs. at night and facewash that suits in summer might not work well in winters so be wise while picking Face cleanser for yourself. Gel cleansers are designed to remove excess surface oils (great for oily skin) while a cream/cleanser is ideal for adding moisture to the skin (perfect for those with dry or mature skin). Personally, I like to use a gel cleanser at night and a cream cleanser in the morning, this routine has worked well for my complexion and I rarely breakout.

Here I want to add Term Double Cleansing …. i.e using oil for cleansing as first step and then using your Gel based or Cream foaming cleanser to clean skin.

This extra step added helps to get rid of any traces of makeup or pollution or dirt or gunks that might be settling deep in the pores of your skin.

2. Exfoliate

Exfoliation once or twice per week is must to slough away dead skin and dullness. There are a number of reasons why you should exfoliate but just remember not to overdo it, especially if you have sensitive skin. One symptom of over-exfoliation includes puffy or swollen skin, with inflammation and dry itchy patches.I recommend using a chemical exfoliator like a peel Over physical exfoliation i.e Scrubs. Scrubs cause micro tearing on skin surface that damage skin severely.Whereas a peel is medley of skincare acids to remove dead skin and reveal a healthy, glowing complexion.Do check E’clat Glow Peel that’s an effective and safest way to get glowing skin in few minutes and that too in comfort of your home.

Eclat Superior Glow Peel.
A chemical peel reveals fresh bright complexion.

Or you can use mixture of oatmeal powder, rice powder and almond powder mixed with little water or milk to gently massage your skin to exfoliate it.

3. Tone

After you cleanse, you should follow up with a pH balancing toner daily and it should be alcohol free . It’s again to make sure that any traces of dirt and grime left on skin even after cleansing are removed nicely. Using a toner also accelerates the absorption of the serums and moisturizers you apply after.

Toner is Must .

Again you can choose a toner as per skin concerns like one with AHA BHA for acne and pigmentation concerns and with Hyaluronic Acid for skin plumping. Even your toner may contain Green tea or hazelnut extracts to cure acne .

Now when we think of toning it is also act of skin hydration and when we say skin hydration How can we not talk about 7-Skin Method. At this point I would like to introduce 7-skin method. I.e. the act of applying a toner or a lightweight, watery essence to your face up to seven times or you can say layer it seven times,hence, the name “seven”, right after you cleanse and before you moisturize.

Here’s how to do Seven Skin ritual:

Pat face dry (or air dry). It’s best if you apply the first layer of toner when your face is slightly damp as opposed to totally dry. This first layer can be applied using a cotton pad or even just your hands. Repeat five more times. After that seventh layer, you can play around! You can use your other serums mainly one with hydrating ingredients for eg. Hyaluronic Acid serum.(Check E’clat Hyaluronic Acid serum that is indeed unique and effective results oriented formulation.) This way your skin will be extra-primed to absorb your serum better and effectively. The idea behind this technique is to help your skin drink in the product, so you can adjust as you see fit. I do the seven-skin method weekly and do a three or five-skin method every other day.

Seven Skin Ritual to help your skin maintain good levels of hydration.

4. Serum

You should apply a serum three times a week, and always prior to moisturizing. Serums are packed with antioxidants, ceramides, hyaluronic acid, among other powerful ingredients and they can do absolute wonders for your complexion.You can choose serum as per your skin concerns like one that targets Hyperpigmentation issues or a Niacinamide serum to build strong skin protection barrier that also helps with acne condition and a serum with salicylic acid to cure acne, Vitamin C serum to brighten dull skin and options are endless.

E’clat Superior serums is fastest growing name any skincare concern and they have endless solutions to cater each of them. You can pick one for your skin here 👇🏼

E’clat superior serums

5. Moisturise

I’m sure this is no surprise but you should moisturize every single day. Yes moisturiser too should be apt according to your skin type and weather and season too, because people with oily skin would find oil free moisturiser favourable to oily skin and those with dry skin want to pick more nourishing formulations. And it’s always the last step in your skincare routine (unless you need to apply SPF in your Day routine)You should moisturize immediately after using toner, unless it’s your day to apply serum.

6. Eye Cream .

Believe it or not Eye cream is important too. Early you start the better position you will secure in your skincare game in long run.

7. Facial Oil/ Sleeping Mask (optional)

If you want extra and even gorgeous results for your skin, this extra step is for you.As part of your PM routine these add extra goodness of better nourishment to your skin.


You should mask twice a week and customize each treatment to your current skin concerns . Always mask after cleansing and before you apply toner. In my opinion, facial masks are just the best way to pamper yourself at home especially if you can’t justify/afford a trip to the spa There are six basic types of masks:

1.cream, 2.peel-off, 3.clay, 4.warm-oil, 5.thermal, and 6.natural Homemade masks, 7. Sheet Masks.And from there, there are a number of masks that work to draw out impurities, soothe, brighten, and hydrate skin. The options are close to endless! You need to pick one as per your skin type and concerns. For eg. a Clay Mask will be good for oily skin and nourishing Cream mask for dry mature skin. And Sheet Mask will be enjoyed by variety of skin types.

Till now we learned how to curate personalised tailored skincare routine for yourself.

Let’s now move ahead talking about Motivation to stay CC (Constantly Consistent) with your skincare routine. If you don’t see anyone else using this Term please give me the credit for introducing a “CC” to you . Originally “CC” stands for Chewing Gum Chor that Me and my friend would use as code for people sneaking into our Gym bags for free Chewing Gums.😀

Now staying consistent with Skincare routine is Utmost important because just spending money for buying Skincare and gaining knowledge how and when to apply all of them,alone won’t show results .

Understand!! Consistency is the key.

If you’re someone who struggles with sticking to a skincare routine, here are tips that should help.

It takes atleast a month for anyone to see results from a skin care routine. In this time your skin will experience good days as well as bad days.

1. Approach Your skincare as a journey.

You may have days when your confidence is glowing with your glowing skin, and others where you doubt if you’ll ever be able to reach the skin goals you’ve been dreaming of.

The goal is to experience the ups and downs as part of the adventure to flawless skin.

Even the most perfect skin will see bad days, so it’s best not to beat the skin up, instead find ways to enjoy the journey.

We always don’t need to buy the latest skin care products, but just learn to reinvent our skin care routine and practice patience. But buying another serum never made anyone’s skin sad. ?

2. Find ways to inspire yourself and goals. list things that flawless skin will give you. Perhaps more confidence, a sense of accomplishment, a personal health goal, or even as a symbol of your idea of beauty in the world. All these things, if you continually remind yourself, will help you stay consistent with your skin care routine.

3. Make your own Skincare Timetable. If you intend to cater more than one skin concern, you can draw your own timetable and assign 7 days to different skin treatments that you want for your skin issues. To further simplify your routine you can write down the toner, serum, moisturiser you want to club together as a routine on a particular day. for eg. Retinol on Monday and Thursday, Aha Bha on Tuesday and Saturday and For rest of days acne treatment products (If you have acne issues at that time) or the hydrating ones for adding moisture to your skin, that’s again is very important.

A skincare Time table helps you keep sorted and consistent.

Also I have sorted my seven different routines for seven days of week by arranging them in seven different trays and marked each of them as Monday Tuesday, Wednesday and so on till Sunday, so that I know what & when to apply and this I find so easy and hassle free. This keeps me constantly consistent with my skincare game because I don’t have to think much at night and decide what I need to apply on that particular day.

Ok! Now if this not enough for you to stay consistent, more coming up. keep reading!

4. Keep Everything In One Place. Keep all of your skincare Items in one spot. keeping them in a designated area in bedroom or bathroom definitely helps.

5. Make Your Skincare Products Look Welcoming. It is recommended keeping your skincare products and application area organised and orderly with the logic that the nicer something looks, the more appealing it is to use. “Whether it’s a dressing table or a bathroom shelf, make it a place where you’d like to spend a few minutes. Good lighting, no clutter, and maybe a small decoration / tiny flower vase /cute photo of you will make the spot much more inviting. Even the Beautiful looking packaging of skincare products make them irresistible and attracts you to use them more.

6. Set A Reminder On Your Phone. Trying to remember to do a new behavior to bring it in your habit is total wrong way to do it. We are human, and our memory and our motivation will fail us at some point and often we are victims of improper lifestyle and humdrum of routines of life. And before we turn routine into habit we often fail. So better approach is , Try setting a reminder on your phone an hour or so before bed so that you’ll be more motivated to wrap up that Netflix binge-watching session before you’re too tired to do anything but retire into bed.

7. Make Cotton Balls And Wipes Super Accessible. Always opt for transparent containers because then you’ll not only know what you have, but you’ll be way more likely to actually use it. Having your basic skin routine tools super accessible will also minimize another obstacle to sticking to the routine, especially on those days after a late night party or long day at work when you just don’t feel like doing it.

Keep your cotton balls and pads sorted in transparent jars.

8. Commit To The Basics. Even if you truly don’t have time for every step of your routine, force yourself to stick to the basics: specifically, removing makeup every night before going to bed.Sleeping in makeup causes clogged pores and acne and if it’s routine it breaks down collagen that leads to premature ageing. Keep a pack of makeup remover wipes right by your bed side along with any hydrating facial mist to quickly add dose of hydration back into skin. And a sheet mask too can be quickly applied that again provides good dose of nutrition to skin without making much effort. Sheet Masks are great contribution to beauty world by Korean Beauty Brands.

A sheet mask is a quick way to add nutrition to the skin.

9. If You’re Really Tired, Trick Yourself . Yes ! We ought have to be tricky with ourselves too to keep ourselves going on the right path of skincare journey. We can Trick ourself by By telling that I’ll just remove makeup, and once it’s started , it’s super likely that we then end up putting on that AHA serum and moisturizer anyway since process already started that further triggers us to follow rest of the skincare steps too.

10. Keep a before and after journal.

This doesn’t mean we have to share publically, but if we just have a place to look at pics of ours in the past we can find the inspiration to keep on moving with consistency.

Even inspiration can be found in a way by helping others in the future by sharing before and after photos. Most influencers are influencing other people by sharing their skincare journey stories with others.

What seems impossible to one person , can seem within reach to other, when we share our journies. And if we succeed keeping on our path to healthy glowing skin, other people will find us as an inspiration.

Maintaining a journal of skincare journey helps further. You can also document what products you use. The more you know about what your face likes, the easier it is to pick the right products for yourself in future . This is definitely next level, and will often make you a skin care pro in no time.

11. Find a community of enthusiasts to share your journey.

Stay in connection with the skincare community to stay consistent and motivated.

I feel it is important to surround yourself with people that believe in your dreams and goals as much as you do and share same love for skincare and are passionate about skincare like you.

They can be best friends, family or even a support group. Even investing in meaningful time spent with a dermatologist or esthetician is a priceless contribution to your goals of youthful and healthy skin.

Sadly not everyone is lucky to find such gems in their life. we often don’t have people immediately around that mirror our greatest aspirations, so we have to be more enterprising and creative to Find or create a community online, just as powerful as in person.

There is a strong skin care community on Instagram that you can find by searching highly prevalent hashtags like #skincare #skincarebloggers #skincaretips #skincareroutine etc. Being part of Such community will help you stay inspired and may even encourage you to start your own skincare journey that you most likely to share with others in future.

12. Set Your goals like , to empty your skincare bottles and jars within certain time period . This will further keep you inspired and motivated towards your skincare goals. Look at each of your empty bottles as notches on your belt towards healthy skin, as a Medal won from win of a big prestigious competition .

13. Make List of Perks of Having Good Skin . As discussed earlier at locus 2. And sharing another pointer again as another reminder, that achieving and having beautiful skin is an inspiration in itself. For eg. Good healthy glowing skin gives you immense confidence that might win you an early promotion in your career. More confidence means more happiness and more you happy more people want to be friends with you that further aids in your growth as a human and growth of your persona . Good skin means more positivity and more fulfilling life. Trust me it’s a fact.

I will conclude by saying that although I understand that Sticking to a skin care routine can feel like a hassle , especially after a long day at work or getting home super late after a late night party , but sticking to your plan definitely isn’t impossible . Just make it as easy for yourself as possible and remind yourself that the best way to see the results you’re looking for is through consistency. Look at your skincare goals as important as your goals to grow in career or family goals because trust me it is as important as rest of your goals in Life.

Hope everything that I shared will help you to understand skincare better and to achieve your goals of healthy, glowing skin. You can join me on Instagram as part of my Fam of skincare enthusiasts by searching for hashtags like #virgolipsticktales & #virgolipsticktaleswrites I share insights of various skincare products through beautiful flatlays and honest reviews, lot of good results oriented skincare inspiration and ideas of better & futuristic skincare practices to achieve goals of skincare journey in a fun colourful way.

Wishing you Happy Skincare Journey Ahead.

Wishing you Happy Skincare Journey. Keep on glowing friends!

Healthcare Tips: To Maintain Holistic well-being This Winter.

Winters are Here . A complete guide to take care of your holistic well-being .

So winters are here,the time of the year when we wish we could spend all day staying warm and cozy under our blankets and hibernate through the cold months.

While this might sound nice, it’s not good for our health. There’s a reason why winter is the season for getting sick .

Actually, I can tell you more than one.

It’s easy to neglect our health, and it’s harder to find the motivation to keep up with wellness habits. We might not even realize how the change in seasons impacts our physical and mental health. It isn’t just a case of the winter blues.

Sharing key measures you can take to stay healthy not only physically but mentally also and Bonus, maintain good skin health too, through the winter season.

1. Schedule an appointment with your family physician. This helps ensure you’re on the right track for receiving preventive care as People are more likely to fall sick in winters.So it’s important to stay ahead of anything that might affect your well-being.After all “Prevention is better than Cure “.

Visit your Family Physician To get Preventive Care on Time.

2. Wash hands often. Viruses such as the cold and flu spread easily throughout this season. When we touch surfaces that viruses and bacteria live on, we’ll get an infection if we aren’t cautious. Touching our face with contaminated hands leads to these germs entering the body. Washing your hands often and avoiding touching your face decreases your chance of getting sick. It’s best to clean hands with soap and water, especially if your hands are visibly dirty. But An alcohol-based hand sanitizer also helps reduce the number of germs.

Wash Hands Regularly.

3. Try to keep your winter sleep schedule as close as possible to rest-of-year sleep habit. During the winter, we experience less sunlight and Sunlight controls our Circadian Rhythms , our natural body clocks which tell us when to sleep. When there’s less daylight, our body produces more melatonin which influences our tiredness.Hence you feel more tired earlier in the evening since it gets dark so early. This causes people to sleep more during the winter months. But you don’t actually need more sleep during the winter, even though you feel lethergic.Doctors recommend that you stick to a normal, consistent sleeping pattern even in winters.Just like not getting enough sleep can cause exhaustion, so can getting too much sleep. Any change in your normal sleep pattern leads to fatigue since it disrupts your body’s natural rhythms.

Sleep Well for Good Health.

4. Eat healthy and minimum 2-3 hours before the time you go to bed. Cold weather and festive environment tempts us to make unhealthy food choices. The cold season tends to ignite our cravings for more carbs and comfort foods. Why?

After you consume these delicious treats, your serotonin levels rise, making your brain think you are happier. And as the day wears on, your carb cravings get stronger and stronger.

To counter these We tend to opt for heavier meals, and holiday festivities usually mean uptake in alcohol consumption. Both of these negatively impact our health.An increase in carbohydrates causes weight gain, especially since we exercise less during the winter. But these foods don’t only affect our physique – they can even lead to sleep difficulties.If we consume large amounts of carbs before bed, we’re more likely to experience heartburn which disrupts sleep. And weight gain contributes to sleep Apnea a disorder which causes difficulty breathing during sleep.

Here’s the Solution Try to eat a protein-packed breakfast to keep your energy levels up throughout the day. If by the time the afternoon rolls around you’re still craving sweets or carbs, be sure to have low-fat and healthy snacks on hand. However, if you can, find a way to increase your serotonin levels without relying much on food, is the best way to beat the carb cravings.Also you can prepare healthy sweets at home using ingredients like jaggery,sesame,peanuts,flaxseeds,Almonds,raisins curb cravings for sweets.Apart being nutritious they also keep our body warm from within.

Eat Healthy.

5.Add more Omega 3 Fatty Acids in your Diet. Omega 3 fatty acids are a healthy type of fat that are naturally found in many food types including fish, plant seeds and nuts. Omega 3 fatty acids are great for reducing joint pain and stiffness as they are a natural anti inflammatory.Also omega 3 fatty acids help lower levels of depression, which people commonly feel during the shorter days of winter.

6.Add more mushrooms to your diet. Mushrooms have immune-boosting health benefits. That’s because mushrooms have naturally-occurring antibiotics. This gives them medicinal properties, which helps us to fight off many types of illnesses.

Why Did a Mushroom went to the party? Cos He was a Fun Guy😜

7. Add more fibre rich food items and Spices to your Routine Diet. Foods like green leafy vegetables like spinach etc. & spices like cinnamon,garlic,ginger & cardamom to your diet.Also you can add homemade desi ghee in your curries to add healthy good fats in your diet. Another spice that’s must to have in diet specially in winters is Turmeric,traditionally used in Chinese and Indian cuisine . Its main active ingredient is called curcumin, which gives curry its yellow color. This spice helps to combat a number of conditions including inflammation and heart disease, and it acts as a powerful antioxidant.Also eat raw tomatoes green chillies and carrots to add more vitamin C and A in your diet.

Add More Fibre to Your Diet.

8.Workout at Home. If you feel lazy to head outdoors for your workout, then you can plan workout sessions in the comfort of your home.There are plenty of resources online that supply fun workout videos and exercises. These resources offer a variety of workouts including yoga, strength training, aerobics and other body-weight exercises. Check out Pinterest for tons of great resources so you can get fit in the comfort of your own living room.

Workout Regularly.

9. Focus on Mental Health Too.

Under holistic approach of well being taking care of your Mental health is very very important too. This time of year can cause an increase in depression, which may lead to a decline in overall mental health. Though many people may experience mild forms of depression or sadness due to lower levels of sunlight,it is significantly more common in women than men.

To counter this you can Head to a Steam Sauna or Steam Room. They help tense muscles to relax which can alleviate feelings of stress. The high temperatures also get you working up a sweat, which is a great way to detoxify your body and your skin.

Steam Sauna is great option in Winters to chill & Relax.

Practice Meditation & Yoga whenever you feel anxiety mounting. Meditation and Mindfulness are great practices for managing stress as well.

Wish You Happy Winters.

Another best way to counter depression is by Getting social . Organizing family game nights, participating in community activities oriented around New Year & Christmas celebrations are a great way to stay connected with loved ones.

10. Take vitamin Supplements specially Vitamin C ,zinc and also Vitamin D .

11. Take warm herbal drinks .Warm Herbal drinks prepared using spices like Cinnamon,Cardamom, Lemon Grass can help a lot to boost immunity and stay Healthy throughout the winters.cup of hot cocoa lifts mood and keep body warm.

Also you can prepare Golden Milk by boiling Milk preferably Cow’s Milk,with a pinch of cinnamon & black pepper powder each, raw turmeric and a spoonful of edible coconut oil or Dedi Ghee together.Drink it for good health and better immunity. Cheers !

It is important in the winter to take a holistic approach to wellness, not only for our diets and physical exercise and mental health but Taking care of skin health is equally important too.

12.Choosing right skincare According to the Weather,and suitable for your skin type and concerns is good. Be consistent with your skincare routine. Adding good retinol and vitC serum to your routine along with a good sunscreen is important for maintaining healthy glowing skin throughout the winters.You can check E’clat superior serums range is dermatologist recommended brand that has incredibly effective ingredients and shown proven good & long lasting results to people adding them in their routines.Also their Fadeout is an instant Hit because of it’s clinically proven effectiveness and is my personal favourite too 💕

E’clat Superior Serums , Best skincare For You.

13.Carefully Choose cleanser for skin & Hair. Choose Right moisturising & non drying cleansers for skin and hair is another area of paying your close attention.

Choose Cleansers Wisely.

14.Set apt temperature of water For Bathing And showering. Water temperature should be preferably towards lukewarm to normal for bath to avoid drying out of skin.

Set right temperature of water for Bathing.

15. Use humidifiers to Prevent Dryness. This prevents dryness of not only skin but also prevents drying of oral and nasal mucosa thus preventing throat itching & dryness. This further prevents dry cough and other issues related to breathlessness etc.

16. Pamper Your Feet,Hands and Whole Body Skin Too.

Skin is Skin, the outermost protective covering of our body and it’s important all over the body..! Right? So why pamper only Facial skin and neglect rest of the body. Your hands and feet tend to get more dry specially during winters. Maintain a skincare Routine that includes whole Body skin exfoliation and Deep Moisturization too.

Pamper Your Body Too.

19. Oil Your Bellybutton. It is specially mentioned by our elders and Ayurvedic scriptures too,to apply oil in bellybutton to replenish and rejuvenate body cells from within.You can use any oil be it olive oil, mustard oil, castor oil to put few drops of it into your bellybutton. Although avoid essential oils that might not suit people with internal sensitivity towards them.

18. Stay Hydrated. Last but not the least in fact of utmost importance is stay hydrated. Drink water and replenish fluids in your body because It’s possible to get dehydrated when it’s coldu outside, just like it’s possible to get dehydrated when it’s hot outside. In fact, staying hydrated during the summer months can sometimes be easier than staying hydrated in the winter. Don’t rely on thirst to tell you when you need to drink water. Make a point to drink 7-8 glasses of water every day preferably lukewarm water.

Drink Water, Stay Hydrated.

Trust me folks,Follow these tips and never again “Winter Blues “ will bother you ever in your Lifetime.

आपको “सर्दी की नज़र ना लगे !”

Happy Winters 😘

Virtual Is New Real.. मेरी Hinglishi नज़र से ।

Recently I attended a real wedding as a”Virtual Guest”

That whole experience was so intriguing,This “व्यंग्य” is the Outcome,that you going to read..Enjoy🤩

🤓नया दौर कुछ यूँ शबाब पे है,

क्या कहूँ रामजी,अजीब कुछ हिसाब सा है !

पहले जो सब था offline कभी,

अब है Everything online अभी।

अब तो बस चड्डियाँ,नाड़े वाले पजामे सूखें offline।

बाक़ी सब रोज़गार,ख़रीददारी,Education और तो और weddings bhi माँ क़सम,होने लगीं online!

Real नहीं,अब reel है सब।

Virtual में ही Feel है अब।

Emotions और sentiments सबके,आज भी personal ही है।

💁🏻‍♀️Emotions के वाहक,Sentiments के परिचालक श्रीEmo ji,

in most used section of every person,हट के ही है।

गया ज़माना नमस्ते,सत श्री अकाल,राम-राम सा दुआ-सलाम का भी ।

अब Cool हैं dude-dudine,Bro and Sis.

Mom नहीं है पीछे और Pops भी।

Hii..heyy..Hello,Whats Up..यही है trend,पूछें इक दूजे का हाल-चाल अब सभी।

घर-घर Celebrities की खेप पायी जाती है,

“Followers::Following”की दौड़ से कौन कितने पानी में,ये estimate लगायी जाती है।

“Yayy We are trending,” Storiyओं और shoutouts में ललकार लगायी जाती है।

दोस्तियाँ-यारियाँ बड़ी खस्ती है अब।

जाने कौन-कौन से Apps में बसतीं हैं अब।

दिलवालों की तो पूछो मत,चाँदी ही चाँदी है अब।

पहले गली में एक ही घर के मजनू चक्कर लगाता था।

लैला को छत पर देखते ही उसका दिन बन जाता था।

अब की बात और है Ass 🤦🏻‍♀️ such 😜

No number is never too much🤪

Whatsapp,viber,snapchat सब मिलाकर 20-25 तो होंगी कम से कम।


चलो ना तेरी,ना मेरी 10-12 पर नक्की करते है हम।

लड़के तो कभी भी ना थे कम,सुनो आजकल लड़कियों में भी बड़ा है दम।

“Easy one push broadcast send to all,”You are my one & only,I तो only Love you जानम”!!!

👫कहाँ पहले जैसी रिश्तों की ताम-झाम ।

ना वो अपनेपन की गरमाहट,

ना वो दिन जो बातों-बातों में ढल जाते थे into शाम।

“Added you ‘BAE’ से “Blocking you ‘बे’ “ तक…

👩‍❤️‍👨Relationships in 2020 है अब।

जाने अब और क्या क्या दिखलाएगा,

ये तो 2020 है,देखो 2021 में नया क्या आएगा।

हमने तो बस चद्दर तान कर सो जाना है

जो जैसा भी आना है हमने उसकी ताल पे अपना तुनतूना बजाते जाना है।

शब्बा ख़ैर 😘

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