A Complete Guide To Curate Skincare Routine Specially Tailored For Yourself,To Maintain It and Stay Consistent With It.

Skincare is a Religion.

First thing first” we all know skin is most important and largest organ of our body that protects everything that’s inside our body i.e various Organs and Organ Systems.

That is why Skincare has to be an important ritual that we all need to follow throughout our Life whether you are a Man or a Woman.

It is a fact that When we are not regular and consistent with skincare regimen,it’s easy to forget the last time we may have exfoliated, or applied a mask… or even used toner! which brings me to an easy skincare application Anagram…Answered . There are certain skincare steps you should do daily, weekly or even bi-weekly. but sometimes that gets confusing, especially if you’re not always keeping track.

Read Here all the ideas, tips & tricks you need to know to design, maintain and stay consistent with skincare regimen and follow it religiously without failure.

Before We move towards learning the ideas to develop consistency with skincare regimen, let’s first understand how to construct a personalised skincare routine for yourself.

There are Three Thumb-rules I have enlisted that you need to keep in mind before you start adding skincare products to your skincare regimen that you want to follow consistently to achieve good skin goals.

1. Identify your Skin Type.

Now this is very important to understand your skin type because only then you can choose skincare Products wisely. Else wrong skincare products instead doing any good will harm your skin more.

There are five types of healthy skin: normal, dry, oily, combination (both oily and dry skin) and sensitive. Check this guide to help yourself to identify your skin type 👇🏼

2. Identify Different moods and behaviours of your skin during different seasons and weather.

This is again very important to closely observe how your skin behaves and what are different concerns that skin can have in different weather and seasons, Your skin can be oily in summer and uber dry in winters whereas it may have acne in monsoon and itchy dry red patches during hot scorching summer. So you need to closely monitor your skin and then design your personalised skincare routine.

3. Identify your skin Concerns.

I believe Identifying the problem is halfway to resolving it.

For eg. you may have acne issues or hyperpigmentation or skin sensitivity and other concerns . Identifying the skin concerns helps you understand what you need to correct and hence you can wisely choose ingredients that you need to look for in your skincare products and this practice gives best results for your skin.

Identify your skin concerns before you start adding skincare products to your routine.

Now moving ahead Let’s talk about Steps that must be part of every Skincare Routine:


Cleansing skin daily is utmost important step and choosing cleanser for your skin type and according to weather & Season is important too, you may want to use a different type of cleanser in the morning vs. at night and facewash that suits in summer might not work well in winters so be wise while picking Face cleanser for yourself. Gel cleansers are designed to remove excess surface oils (great for oily skin) while a cream/cleanser is ideal for adding moisture to the skin (perfect for those with dry or mature skin). Personally, I like to use a gel cleanser at night and a cream cleanser in the morning, this routine has worked well for my complexion and I rarely breakout.

Here I want to add Term Double Cleansing …. i.e using oil for cleansing as first step and then using your Gel based or Cream foaming cleanser to clean skin.

This extra step added helps to get rid of any traces of makeup or pollution or dirt or gunks that might be settling deep in the pores of your skin.

2. Exfoliate

Exfoliation once or twice per week is must to slough away dead skin and dullness. There are a number of reasons why you should exfoliate but just remember not to overdo it, especially if you have sensitive skin. One symptom of over-exfoliation includes puffy or swollen skin, with inflammation and dry itchy patches.I recommend using a chemical exfoliator like a peel Over physical exfoliation i.e Scrubs. Scrubs cause micro tearing on skin surface that damage skin severely.Whereas a peel is medley of skincare acids to remove dead skin and reveal a healthy, glowing complexion.Do check E’clat Glow Peel that’s an effective and safest way to get glowing skin in few minutes and that too in comfort of your home.

Eclat Superior Glow Peel.
A chemical peel reveals fresh bright complexion.

Or you can use mixture of oatmeal powder, rice powder and almond powder mixed with little water or milk to gently massage your skin to exfoliate it.

3. Tone

After you cleanse, you should follow up with a pH balancing toner daily and it should be alcohol free . It’s again to make sure that any traces of dirt and grime left on skin even after cleansing are removed nicely. Using a toner also accelerates the absorption of the serums and moisturizers you apply after.

Toner is Must .

Again you can choose a toner as per skin concerns like one with AHA BHA for acne and pigmentation concerns and with Hyaluronic Acid for skin plumping. Even your toner may contain Green tea or hazelnut extracts to cure acne .

Now when we think of toning it is also act of skin hydration and when we say skin hydration How can we not talk about 7-Skin Method. At this point I would like to introduce 7-skin method. I.e. the act of applying a toner or a lightweight, watery essence to your face up to seven times or you can say layer it seven times,hence, the name “seven”, right after you cleanse and before you moisturize.

Here’s how to do Seven Skin ritual:

Pat face dry (or air dry). It’s best if you apply the first layer of toner when your face is slightly damp as opposed to totally dry. This first layer can be applied using a cotton pad or even just your hands. Repeat five more times. After that seventh layer, you can play around! You can use your other serums mainly one with hydrating ingredients for eg. Hyaluronic Acid serum.(Check E’clat Hyaluronic Acid serum that is indeed unique and effective results oriented formulation.) This way your skin will be extra-primed to absorb your serum better and effectively. The idea behind this technique is to help your skin drink in the product, so you can adjust as you see fit. I do the seven-skin method weekly and do a three or five-skin method every other day.

Seven Skin Ritual to help your skin maintain good levels of hydration.

4. Serum

You should apply a serum three times a week, and always prior to moisturizing. Serums are packed with antioxidants, ceramides, hyaluronic acid, among other powerful ingredients and they can do absolute wonders for your complexion.You can choose serum as per your skin concerns like one that targets Hyperpigmentation issues or a Niacinamide serum to build strong skin protection barrier that also helps with acne condition and a serum with salicylic acid to cure acne, Vitamin C serum to brighten dull skin and options are endless.

E’clat Superior serums is fastest growing brand.you name any skincare concern and they have endless solutions to cater each of them. You can pick one for your skin here 👇🏼


E’clat superior serums

5. Moisturise

I’m sure this is no surprise but you should moisturize every single day. Yes moisturiser too should be apt according to your skin type and weather and season too, because people with oily skin would find oil free moisturiser favourable to oily skin and those with dry skin want to pick more nourishing formulations. And it’s always the last step in your skincare routine (unless you need to apply SPF in your Day routine)You should moisturize immediately after using toner, unless it’s your day to apply serum.

6. Eye Cream .

Believe it or not Eye cream is important too. Early you start the better position you will secure in your skincare game in long run.

7. Facial Oil/ Sleeping Mask (optional)

If you want extra and even gorgeous results for your skin, this extra step is for you.As part of your PM routine these add extra goodness of better nourishment to your skin.


You should mask twice a week and customize each treatment to your current skin concerns . Always mask after cleansing and before you apply toner. In my opinion, facial masks are just the best way to pamper yourself at home especially if you can’t justify/afford a trip to the spa There are six basic types of masks:

1.cream, 2.peel-off, 3.clay, 4.warm-oil, 5.thermal, and 6.natural Homemade masks, 7. Sheet Masks.And from there, there are a number of masks that work to draw out impurities, soothe, brighten, and hydrate skin. The options are close to endless! You need to pick one as per your skin type and concerns. For eg. a Clay Mask will be good for oily skin and nourishing Cream mask for dry mature skin. And Sheet Mask will be enjoyed by variety of skin types.

Till now we learned how to curate personalised tailored skincare routine for yourself.

Let’s now move ahead talking about Motivation to stay CC (Constantly Consistent) with your skincare routine. If you don’t see anyone else using this Term please give me the credit for introducing a “CC” to you . Originally “CC” stands for Chewing Gum Chor that Me and my friend would use as code for people sneaking into our Gym bags for free Chewing Gums.😀

Now staying consistent with Skincare routine is Utmost important because just spending money for buying Skincare and gaining knowledge how and when to apply all of them,alone won’t show results .

Understand!! Consistency is the key.

If you’re someone who struggles with sticking to a skincare routine, here are tips that should help.

It takes atleast a month for anyone to see results from a skin care routine. In this time your skin will experience good days as well as bad days.

1. Approach Your skincare as a journey.

You may have days when your confidence is glowing with your glowing skin, and others where you doubt if you’ll ever be able to reach the skin goals you’ve been dreaming of.

The goal is to experience the ups and downs as part of the adventure to flawless skin.

Even the most perfect skin will see bad days, so it’s best not to beat the skin up, instead find ways to enjoy the journey.

We always don’t need to buy the latest skin care products, but just learn to reinvent our skin care routine and practice patience. But buying another serum never made anyone’s skin sad. ?

2. Find ways to inspire yourself and goals. list things that flawless skin will give you. Perhaps more confidence, a sense of accomplishment, a personal health goal, or even as a symbol of your idea of beauty in the world. All these things, if you continually remind yourself, will help you stay consistent with your skin care routine.

3. Make your own Skincare Timetable. If you intend to cater more than one skin concern, you can draw your own timetable and assign 7 days to different skin treatments that you want for your skin issues. To further simplify your routine you can write down the toner, serum, moisturiser you want to club together as a routine on a particular day. for eg. Retinol on Monday and Thursday, Aha Bha on Tuesday and Saturday and For rest of days acne treatment products (If you have acne issues at that time) or the hydrating ones for adding moisture to your skin, that’s again is very important.

A skincare Time table helps you keep sorted and consistent.

Also I have sorted my seven different routines for seven days of week by arranging them in seven different trays and marked each of them as Monday Tuesday, Wednesday and so on till Sunday, so that I know what & when to apply and this I find so easy and hassle free. This keeps me constantly consistent with my skincare game because I don’t have to think much at night and decide what I need to apply on that particular day.

Ok! Now if this not enough for you to stay consistent, more coming up. keep reading!

4. Keep Everything In One Place. Keep all of your skincare Items in one spot. keeping them in a designated area in bedroom or bathroom definitely helps.

5. Make Your Skincare Products Look Welcoming. It is recommended keeping your skincare products and application area organised and orderly with the logic that the nicer something looks, the more appealing it is to use. “Whether it’s a dressing table or a bathroom shelf, make it a place where you’d like to spend a few minutes. Good lighting, no clutter, and maybe a small decoration / tiny flower vase /cute photo of you will make the spot much more inviting. Even the Beautiful looking packaging of skincare products make them irresistible and attracts you to use them more.

6. Set A Reminder On Your Phone. Trying to remember to do a new behavior to bring it in your habit is total wrong way to do it. We are human, and our memory and our motivation will fail us at some point and often we are victims of improper lifestyle and humdrum of routines of life. And before we turn routine into habit we often fail. So better approach is , Try setting a reminder on your phone an hour or so before bed so that you’ll be more motivated to wrap up that Netflix binge-watching session before you’re too tired to do anything but retire into bed.

7. Make Cotton Balls And Wipes Super Accessible. Always opt for transparent containers because then you’ll not only know what you have, but you’ll be way more likely to actually use it. Having your basic skin routine tools super accessible will also minimize another obstacle to sticking to the routine, especially on those days after a late night party or long day at work when you just don’t feel like doing it.

Keep your cotton balls and pads sorted in transparent jars.

8. Commit To The Basics. Even if you truly don’t have time for every step of your routine, force yourself to stick to the basics: specifically, removing makeup every night before going to bed.Sleeping in makeup causes clogged pores and acne and if it’s routine it breaks down collagen that leads to premature ageing. Keep a pack of makeup remover wipes right by your bed side along with any hydrating facial mist to quickly add dose of hydration back into skin. And a sheet mask too can be quickly applied that again provides good dose of nutrition to skin without making much effort. Sheet Masks are great contribution to beauty world by Korean Beauty Brands.

A sheet mask is a quick way to add nutrition to the skin.

9. If You’re Really Tired, Trick Yourself . Yes ! We ought have to be tricky with ourselves too to keep ourselves going on the right path of skincare journey. We can Trick ourself by By telling that I’ll just remove makeup, and once it’s started , it’s super likely that we then end up putting on that AHA serum and moisturizer anyway since process already started that further triggers us to follow rest of the skincare steps too.

10. Keep a before and after journal.

This doesn’t mean we have to share publically, but if we just have a place to look at pics of ours in the past we can find the inspiration to keep on moving with consistency.

Even inspiration can be found in a way by helping others in the future by sharing before and after photos. Most influencers are influencing other people by sharing their skincare journey stories with others.

What seems impossible to one person , can seem within reach to other, when we share our journies. And if we succeed keeping on our path to healthy glowing skin, other people will find us as an inspiration.

Maintaining a journal of skincare journey helps further. You can also document what products you use. The more you know about what your face likes, the easier it is to pick the right products for yourself in future . This is definitely next level, and will often make you a skin care pro in no time.

11. Find a community of enthusiasts to share your journey.

Stay in connection with the skincare community to stay consistent and motivated.

I feel it is important to surround yourself with people that believe in your dreams and goals as much as you do and share same love for skincare and are passionate about skincare like you.

They can be best friends, family or even a support group. Even investing in meaningful time spent with a dermatologist or esthetician is a priceless contribution to your goals of youthful and healthy skin.

Sadly not everyone is lucky to find such gems in their life. we often don’t have people immediately around that mirror our greatest aspirations, so we have to be more enterprising and creative to Find or create a community online, just as powerful as in person.

There is a strong skin care community on Instagram that you can find by searching highly prevalent hashtags like #skincare #skincarebloggers #skincaretips #skincareroutine etc. Being part of Such community will help you stay inspired and may even encourage you to start your own skincare journey that you most likely to share with others in future.

12. Set Your goals like , to empty your skincare bottles and jars within certain time period . This will further keep you inspired and motivated towards your skincare goals. Look at each of your empty bottles as notches on your belt towards healthy skin, as a Medal won from win of a big prestigious competition .

13. Make List of Perks of Having Good Skin . As discussed earlier at locus 2. And sharing another pointer again as another reminder, that achieving and having beautiful skin is an inspiration in itself. For eg. Good healthy glowing skin gives you immense confidence that might win you an early promotion in your career. More confidence means more happiness and more you happy more people want to be friends with you that further aids in your growth as a human and growth of your persona . Good skin means more positivity and more fulfilling life. Trust me it’s a fact.

I will conclude by saying that although I understand that Sticking to a skin care routine can feel like a hassle , especially after a long day at work or getting home super late after a late night party , but sticking to your plan definitely isn’t impossible . Just make it as easy for yourself as possible and remind yourself that the best way to see the results you’re looking for is through consistency. Look at your skincare goals as important as your goals to grow in career or family goals because trust me it is as important as rest of your goals in Life.

Hope everything that I shared will help you to understand skincare better and to achieve your goals of healthy, glowing skin. You can join me on Instagram as part of my Fam of skincare enthusiasts by searching for hashtags like #virgolipsticktales & #virgolipsticktaleswrites I share insights of various skincare products through beautiful flatlays and honest reviews, lot of good results oriented skincare inspiration and ideas of better & futuristic skincare practices to achieve goals of skincare journey in a fun colourful way.

Wishing you Happy Skincare Journey Ahead.

Wishing you Happy Skincare Journey. Keep on glowing friends!

Published by Virgolipsticktales

A Botany Teacher, Blogger,Instagrammer, Beauty Influencer. I swatch Lipsticks,actually lot of them.😉 Skincare is my religion and I Talk about it most of the time....Humour is the language,I think with. I Think too much and write even more....Poetry is my jam ... Find me on Instagram as “virgolipsticktales “.... :)

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