Causes and Treatment for Dry Damaged Darkened skin on Elbows.

Dry elbows is a common skin condition with several causes. Many cases of dry elbow can be due to changes in climate, lack of hydration, or irritation from fabrics or lotions. In some cases, dry elbows may be a sign of an underlying condition, such as psoriasis, eczema, diabetes, or thyroid issues. Symptoms Dry elbowsContinue reading “Causes and Treatment for Dry Damaged Darkened skin on Elbows.”

If Your Eye Cream really worth for the amount of money you spend on those cute tiny jars.!?

.don’t let Those Dark Circles stay,fade them away!! Wipe Away Fine Lines and those pesky Wrinkles Around Your Eyes! Now These are the marketing gimmicks or you can call slogans that we are likely to find plastered on eye creams sold in department stores, local pharmacies, and online skin care brands websites and ah !Continue reading “If Your Eye Cream really worth for the amount of money you spend on those cute tiny jars.!?”

Puffy face in the morning? Little Help for you to understand it and treat it.

What is face swelling or puffiness? Face swelling is the enlargement or distention of the face due to fluid buildup or inflammation in the facial tissues. Swelling can occur anywhere on the face, but it is most noticeable on the lips, cheeks and eyelids. Swelling can also extend to the neck region. Facial swelling mayContinue reading “Puffy face in the morning? Little Help for you to understand it and treat it.”

Azelaic acid and Skincare .

Salicylic acid Vitamin C, Retinol and AHAs are a few popular ingredients that have reigned supreme in skin care products. However,azelaic acid is quite beneficial for your skin and increasingly popular but an often “overlooked” and “under-the-radar” skin care ingredient. So what exactly is this emerging skin care ingredient? Azelaic acid is a compound foundContinue reading “Azelaic acid and Skincare .”

Sun,Skin and Sunscreen….

You’re a smart cookie, and an in-the-know well informed beings.surely I don’t need to tell you why you should wear sunscreen Okay, still Here’s quick reminder for you: wrinkles, brown spots, and yes, skin cancer …. But it Turns out to be there’s more to the white goop than most people think, ingredients, SPF ratingsContinue reading “Sun,Skin and Sunscreen….”

What does your PoreCast Say About Your Skin.

Be it the skincare ads, or dedicated pore care lines by various skincare brands or dermatologists or skincare bloggers or the labels on skincare products they all mention one thing very common,”Pores”.. and yes everyone wants pores so tiny they can’t be seen, as well as pores that aren’t blocked or clogged. Often we doContinue reading “What does your PoreCast Say About Your Skin.”

Niacinamide,The power vitamin For Your Skin. Read Here Everything You need to Know About it.

With Different age come different skincare concerns.With Younger skin,acne is often biggest concern but as we get older, loss of elasticity, fine lines and dryness, and wrinkles start to spring up. This makes using the right skincare even more important. And darling that moisturiser you’ve been using since you turned 18 won’t help your skinContinue reading “Niacinamide,The power vitamin For Your Skin. Read Here Everything You need to Know About it.”

A Complete Guide To Curate Skincare Routine Specially Tailored For Yourself,To Maintain It and Stay Consistent With It.

First thing first” we all know skin is most important and largest organ of our body that protects everything that’s inside our body i.e various Organs and Organ Systems. That is why Skincare has to be an important ritual that we all need to follow throughout our Life whether you are a Man or aContinue reading “A Complete Guide To Curate Skincare Routine Specially Tailored For Yourself,To Maintain It and Stay Consistent With It.”

Healthcare Tips: To Maintain Holistic well-being This Winter.

So winters are here,the time of the year when we wish we could spend all day staying warm and cozy under our blankets and hibernate through the cold months. While this might sound nice, it’s not good for our health. There’s a reason why winter is the season for getting sick . Actually, I canContinue reading “Healthcare Tips: To Maintain Holistic well-being This Winter.”

Virtual Is New Real.. मेरी Hinglishi नज़र से ।

Recently I attended a real wedding as a”Virtual Guest” That whole experience was so intriguing,This “व्यंग्य” is the Outcome,that you going to read..Enjoy🤩 🤓नया दौर कुछ यूँ शबाब पे है, क्या कहूँ रामजी,अजीब कुछ हिसाब सा है ! पहले जो सब था offline कभी, अब है Everything online अभी। अब तो बस चड्डियाँ,नाड़े वाले पजामेContinue reading “Virtual Is New Real.. मेरी Hinglishi नज़र से ।”

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